looking forward to our next web meeting on 25th of November 5pm CET (Europe/Berlin).
Who will participate and which topic would you like to have as “main topic”? On our first meeting we noted following topics for upcoming events:
Spring security
Using Copilot
I am personally interested in using sessions. Because currently I need to store some user data in the session to prevent accessing the database all the time when I need some static data which could be hold in session.
Just to remember: it’s not planned professional online meeting, it should be a relaxed get together with a coffee, beer or what ever ;)
Looking forward to a great meetup. Here is the google meeting link (its limited to one hour)
Vaadin Meetup
Montag, 25. November · 5:00 bis 6:30PM
Zeitzone: Europe/Berlin
Google Meet-Teilnahmeinformationen
Link für Videoanruf: https://meet.google.com/ced-xkvf-rzd
Make it open. I mean, allow anybody to join, Last time when I was trying to join, I was waiting for the admin to let me in but no luck even after waiting for 10 mins
Hi thanks for the info. Will check it, see you there.
For security reasons I think its better to knock, since the like is available for everyone, we should be take care that no “zoom bomber” come in. Already experienced everything in public meetings without control who come in
Hi guys, as no one send some feedback about the topic I would like to talk about Sessions and Spring Security (login/roles etc). In my current project I added JWT to prevent re-login after server restart, maybe that’s interesting for some one and maybe you guys have any hint for me how to do it a better way
In your case it wouldn’t be “identifier of an entity” you serialize/deserialize to the URL, but some identifier for the correct tab within your main view. Naturally some more complex views can have multiple things they need to store in the view.