While the formatting of layouts is mainly done with style sheets, just as with other components, style sheets are not ideal or even possible to use in some situations. For example, CSS does not allow defining the spacing of table cells, which is done with the cellspacing attribute in HTML.

Moreover, as many layout sizes are calculated dynamically in the Client-Side Engine of Vaadin, some CSS settings can fail altogether.

The size of a layout component can be specified with the setWidth() and setHeight() methods defined in the Sizeable interface, just like for any component. It can also be undefined, in which case the layout shrinks to fit the component(s) inside it. Section 5.3.9, “Sizing Components” gives details on the interface.

Many layout components take 100% width by default, while they have the height undefined.

The sizes of components inside a layout can also be defined as a percentage of the space available in the layout, for example with setWidth("100%"); or with the (most commonly used method) setFullSize() that sets 100% size in both directions. If you use a percentage in a HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout, or GridLayout, you will also have to set the component as expanding, as noted below.

For example:

// This takes 100% width but has undefined height.
VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();

// A button that takes all the space available in the layout.
Button button = new Button("100%x100% button");

// We must set the layout to a defined height vertically, in
// this case 100% of its parent layout, which also must
// not have undefined size.

The default layout of Window and Panel is VerticalLayout with undefined height. If you insert enough components in such a layout, it will grow outside the bottom of the view area and scrollbars will appear in the browser. If you want your application to use all the browser view, nothing more or less, you should use setFullSize() for the root layout.

// Create the main window.
Window main = new Window("Main Window");

// Use full size.

You can set the alignment of the component inside a specific layout cell with the setComponentAlignment() method. The method takes as its parameters the component contained in the cell to be formatted, and the horizontal and vertical alignment.

Figure 6.22, “Cell Alignments” illustrates the alignment of components within a GridLayout.

The easiest way to set alignments is to use the constants defined in the Alignment class. Let us look how the buttons in the top row of the above GridLayout are aligned with constants:

// Create a grid layout
final GridLayout grid = new GridLayout(3, 3);

grid.setWidth(400, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS);
grid.setHeight(200, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS);

Button topleft = new Button("Top Left");
grid.addComponent(topleft, 0, 0);
grid.setComponentAlignment(topleft, Alignment.TOP_LEFT);

Button topcenter = new Button("Top Center");
grid.addComponent(topcenter, 1, 0);
grid.setComponentAlignment(topcenter, Alignment.TOP_CENTER);

Button topright = new Button("Top Right");
grid.addComponent(topright, 2, 0);
grid.setComponentAlignment(topright, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT);

The following table lists all the Alignment constants by their respective locations:

Another way to specify the alignments is to create an Alignment object and specify the horizontal and vertical alignment with separate constants. You can specify either of the directions, in which case the other alignment direction is not modified, or both with a bitmask operation between the two directions.

Button middleleft = new Button("Middle Left");
grid.addComponent(middleleft, 0, 1);
          new Alignment(Bits.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_CENTER | 

Button middlecenter = new Button("Middle Center");
grid.addComponent(middlecenter, 1, 1);
          new Alignment(Bits.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_CENTER |

Button middleright = new Button("Middle Right");
grid.addComponent(middleright, 2, 1);
          new Alignment(Bits.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_CENTER |

Obviously, you may combine only one vertical bitmask with one horizontal bitmask, though you may leave either one out. The following table lists the available alignment bitmask constants:

You can determine the current alignment of a component with getComponentAlignment(), which returns an Alignment object. The class provides a number of getter methods for decoding the alignment, which you can also get as a bitmask value.

The VerticalLayout, HorizontalLayout, and GridLayout layouts offer a setSpacing() method for enabling space between the cells in the layout. Enabling the spacing adds a spacing style for all cells except the first so that, by setting the left or top padding, you can specify the amount of spacing.

To enable spacing, simply call setSpacing(true) for the layout as follows:

HorizontalLayout layout2 = new HorizontalLayout();
layout2.addComponent(new Button("Component 1"));
layout2.addComponent(new Button("Component 2"));
layout2.addComponent(new Button("Component 3"));

VerticalLayout layout4 = new VerticalLayout();
layout4.addComponent(new Button("Component 1"));
layout4.addComponent(new Button("Component 2"));
layout4.addComponent(new Button("Component 3"));

In practise, the setSpacing() method toggles between the "v-COMPONENTCLASSNAME-spacing-on" and "-off" CSS class names in the cell elements. Elements having those class names can be used to define the spacing metrics in a theme.

The layouts have a spacing style name to define spacing also when spacing is off. This allows you to define a small default spacing between components by default and a larger one when the spacing is actually enabled.

Spacing can be horizontal (for HorizontalLayout), vertical (for VerticalLayout), or both (for GridLayout). The name of the spacing style for horizontal and vertical spacing is the base name of the component style name plus the "-spacing-on" suffix, as shown in the following table:

In the CSS example below, we specify the exact amount of spacing for the code example given above, for the layouts with the custom "spacingexample" style:

/* Set the amount of horizontal cell spacing in a
 * specific element with the "-spacingexample" style. */
.v-horizontallayout-spacingexample .v-horizontallayout-spacing-on {
    padding-left: 30px;

/* Set the amount of vertical cell spacing in a
 * specific element with the "-spacingexample" style. */
.v-verticallayout-spacingexample .v-verticallayout-spacing-on {
    padding-top: 30px;

/* Set the amount of both vertical and horizontal cell spacing
 * in a specific element with the "-spacingexample" style. */
.v-gridlayout-spacingexample .v-gridlayout-spacing-on {
    padding-top: 30px;
    padding-left: 50px;

The resulting layouts will look as shown in Figure 6.23, “Layout Spacings”, which also shows the layouts with no spacing.


Spacing is unrelated to "cell spacing" in HTML tables. While many layout components are implemented with HTML tables in the browser, this implementation is not guaranteed to stay the same and at least Vertical-/HorizontalLayout could be implemented with <div> elements as well. In fact, as GWT compiles widgets separately for different browsers, the implementation could even vary between browsers.

Also note that HTML elements with spacing classnames don't necessarily exist in a component after rendering, because the Client-Side Engine of Vaadin processes them.

By default, layout components do not have any margin around them. You can add margin with CSS directly to the layout component. Below we set margins for a specific layout component (here a horizontallayout):

        .v-horizontallayout-margin {
	padding-left:   200px;
	padding-right:  100px;
	padding-top:    50px;
	padding-bottom: 25px;

Similar settings exist for other layouts such as verticallayout.

The layout size calculations require the margins to be defined as CSS padding rather than as CSS margin.

As an alternative to the pure CSS method, you can set up a margin around the layout that can be enabled with setMargin(true). The margin element has some default margin widths, but you can adjust the widths in CSS if you need to.

Let us consider the following example, where we enable the margin on all sides of the layout:

// Create a layout
HorizontalLayout layout2 = new HorizontalLayout();
    new Label("Layout with margin on all sides:"));
// Set style name for the layout to allow styling it
// Have margin on all sides around the layout
// Put something inside the layout
layout2.addComponent(new Label("Cell 1"));
layout2.addComponent(new Label("Cell 2"));
layout2.addComponent(new Label("Cell 3"));

You can enable the margins only for specific sides. The margins are specified for the setMargin() method in clockwise order for top, right, bottom, and left margin. The following would enable the top and left margins:

layout2.setMargin(true, false, false, true);

You can specify the actual margin widths in the CSS if you are not satisfied with the default widths (in this example for a HorizontalLayout):

.v-horizontallayout-marginexample .v-horizontallayout-margin-left   {padding-left:   200px;}
.v-horizontallayout-marginexample .v-horizontallayout-margin-right  {padding-right:  100px;}
.v-horizontallayout-marginexample .v-horizontallayout-margin-top    {padding-top:    50px; }
.v-horizontallayout-marginexample .v-horizontallayout-margin-bottom {padding-bottom: 25px; }

The resulting margins are shown in Figure 6.24, “Layout Margins” below. The two ways produce identical margins.