AbstractServerConnectorEvent<H extends com.google.gwt.event.shared.EventHandler> |
AtmospherePushConnection |
The default PushConnection implementation that uses Atmosphere for
handling the communication channel.
AtmospherePushConnection.AbstractJSO |
AtmospherePushConnection.AtmosphereConfiguration |
AtmospherePushConnection.AtmosphereResponse |
AtmospherePushConnection.FragmentedMessage |
Represents a message that should be sent as multiple fragments.
Date_Serializer |
Client side serializer/deserializer for java.util.Date
DefaultConnectionStateHandler |
Default implementation of the connection state handler.
DefaultReconnectDialog |
The default implementation of the reconnect dialog
Heartbeat |
Handles sending of heartbeats to the server and reacting to the response
JavaScriptMethodInvocation |
JsonDecoder |
Client side decoder for decodeing shared state and other values from JSON
received from the server.
JsonEncoder |
Encoder for converting RPC parameters and other values to JSON for transfer
between the client and the server.
MessageHandler |
A MessageHandler is responsible for handling all incoming messages (JSON)
from the server (state changes, RPCs and other updates) and ensuring that the
connectors are updated accordingly.
MessageSender |
MessageSender is responsible for sending messages to the server.
RpcManager |
Client side RPC manager that can invoke methods based on RPC calls received
from the server.
RpcProxy |
Class for creating proxy instances for Client to Server RPC.
ServerRpcQueue |
Manages the queue of server invocations (RPC) which are waiting to be sent to
the server.
StateChangeEvent |
TranslatedURLReference |
A URLReference implementation which does late URL translation to be able to
re-translate URLs if e.g.
URLReference_Serializer |
XhrConnection |
Provides a connection to the /UIDL url on the server and knows how to send
messages to that end point
XhrConnectionError |
XhrConnectionError provides detail about an error which occured during an XHR
request to the server