Class MethodInvocation

    • Constructor Detail

      • MethodInvocation

        public MethodInvocation​(String connectorId,
                                String interfaceName,
                                String methodName)
      • MethodInvocation

        public MethodInvocation​(String connectorId,
                                String interfaceName,
                                String methodName,
                                Object[] parameters)
    • Method Detail

      • getConnectorId

        public String getConnectorId()
      • getInterfaceName

        public String getInterfaceName()
      • getMethodName

        public String getMethodName()
      • getParameters

        public Object[] getParameters()
      • setParameters

        public void setParameters​(Object[] parameters)
      • getLastOnlyTag

        public String getLastOnlyTag()
        Gets a String tag that is used to uniquely identify previous method invocations that should be purged from the queue if @Delay(lastOnly = true) is used.

        The returned string should contain at least one non-number char to ensure it doesn't collide with the keys used for invocations without lastOnly.

        a string identifying this method invocation