Interface ReconnectDialog

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ReconnectDialog
    Interface which must be implemented by the reconnect dialog
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void hide()
      Hides the dialog from the user
      boolean isModal()
      Checks the modality of the dialog.
      boolean isVisible()
      Checks if the reconnect dialog is visible to the user
      void preload​(ApplicationConnection connection)
      Called once after initialization to allow the reconnect dialog to preload required resources, which might not be available when the server connection is gone
      void setModal​(boolean modal)
      Sets the modality of the dialog.
      void setReconnecting​(boolean reconnecting)
      Sets the reconnecting state, which is true if we are trying to re-establish a connection with the server.
      void setText​(String text)
      Sets the main text shown in the dialog
      void show​(ApplicationConnection connection)
      Shows the dialog to the user
    • Method Detail

      • setText

        void setText​(String text)
        Sets the main text shown in the dialog
        text - the text to show
      • setReconnecting

        void setReconnecting​(boolean reconnecting)
        Sets the reconnecting state, which is true if we are trying to re-establish a connection with the server.
        reconnecting - true if we are trying to re-establish the server connection, false if we have given up
      • isVisible

        boolean isVisible()
        Checks if the reconnect dialog is visible to the user
        true if the user can see the dialog, false otherwise
      • show

        void show​(ApplicationConnection connection)
        Shows the dialog to the user
        connection - the application connection this is related to
      • hide

        void hide()
        Hides the dialog from the user
      • setModal

        void setModal​(boolean modal)
        Sets the modality of the dialog. If the dialog is set to modal, it will prevent the usage of the application while the dialog is being shown. If not modal, the user can continue to use the application as normally and all server events will be queued until connection has been re-established.
        modal - true to make the dialog modal, false to allow usage while dialog is shown
      • isModal

        boolean isModal()
        Checks the modality of the dialog.
        true if the dialog is modal, false otherwise
        See Also:
      • preload

        void preload​(ApplicationConnection connection)
        Called once after initialization to allow the reconnect dialog to preload required resources, which might not be available when the server connection is gone