Class ServerRpcQueue

  • public class ServerRpcQueue
    extends Object
    Manages the queue of server invocations (RPC) which are waiting to be sent to the server.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerRpcQueue

        public ServerRpcQueue()
    • Method Detail

      • setConnection

        public void setConnection​(ApplicationConnection connection)
        Sets the application connection this instance is connected to. Called internally by the framework.
        connection - the application connection this instance is connected to
      • removeMatching

        public void removeMatching​(MethodInvocation invocation)
        Removes any pending invocation of the given method from the queue
        invocation - The invocation to remove
      • add

        public void add​(MethodInvocation invocation,
                        boolean lastOnly)
        Adds an explicit RPC method invocation to the send queue.
        invocation - RPC method invocation
        delayed - false to trigger sending within a short time window (possibly combining subsequent calls to a single request), true to let the framework delay sending of RPC calls and variable changes until the next non-delayed change
        lastOnly - true to remove all previously delayed invocations of the same method that were also enqueued with lastonly set to true. false to add invocation to the end of the queue without touching previously enqueued invocations.
      • getAll

        public Collection<MethodInvocation> getAll()
        Returns a collection of all queued method invocations

        The returned collection must not be modified in any way

        a collection of all queued method invocations
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the queue
      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the current size of the queue
        the number of invocations in the queue
      • get

        public static ServerRpcQueue get​(ApplicationConnection connection)
        Returns the server RPC queue for the given application
        connection - the application connection which owns the queue
        the server rpc queue for the given application
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Checks if the queue is empty
        true if the queue is empty, false otherwise
      • flush

        public void flush()
        Triggers a send of server RPC and legacy variable changes to the server.
      • isFlushPending

        public boolean isFlushPending()
        Checks if a flush operation is pending
        true if a flush is pending, false otherwise
      • showLoadingIndicator

        public boolean showLoadingIndicator()
        Checks if a loading indicator should be shown when the RPCs have been sent to the server and we are waiting for a response
        true if a loading indicator should be shown, false otherwise
      • toJson

        public JsonArray toJson()
        Returns the current invocations as JSON
        the current invocations in a JSON format ready to be sent to the server
      • isJavascriptRpc

        public static boolean isJavascriptRpc​(MethodInvocation invocation)
        Checks if the given method invocation originates from Javascript
        invocation - the invocation to check
        true if the method invocation originates from javascript, false otherwise
      • isLegacyVariableChange

        public static boolean isLegacyVariableChange​(MethodInvocation invocation)
        Checks if the given method invocation represents a Vaadin 6 variable change
        invocation - the invocation to check
        true if the method invocation is a legacy variable change, false otherwise