Vaadin Control panel issue

We have a need to deploy multiple portlets that have different widget-sets. We were directed to the control panel link( So we tried it. BUT the control panel doesn’t work as we dont see the links at all. Screenshot is attached as a reference.

We are using Vaading 6.6.7 and liferay EE 6.0 SP2. Any help is appreciated.

Hi Sumanth

Do you have some news about your problem ?

I could not reproduce your issue using the community edition of Liferay budled with JBoss nor with the EE version running on Tomcat. Unfortunately I don’t have easy access to a server with both JBoss and a valid license of Liferay EE.

Based on your screenshot, there seems to be some kind of problem with the Vaadin theme that is bundled with the Vaadin Control Panel. The Control Panel widgetset, which should be loaded from the same location does however seem to be loaded correctly.

Could you check whether the files /html/VAADIN/ControlPanel/themes/reindeer/styles.css and /html/VAADIN/ControlPanel/widgetsets/com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet/com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet.nocache.js are available and that the html on the page with the control panel contains a reference to the only .nocache.js file referenced in the html page is /html/VAADIN/ControlPanel/widgetsets/com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet/com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet.nocache.js

If the .js file is present and referenced but the .css file is missing, you could try deleting the directory /html/VAADIN/ControlPanel/ which should cause the Vaadin Control Panel to deploy the required files again once the page is reloaded.

You could also add &debug to the end of the page URL to open the Vaadin Debug window where any problems encountered while loading the application should be displayed.

As there seems that only the theme css files are missing, the Vaadin Control Panel could still work. For instance the text Compile Widget Set on the bottom of you screenshot should be clickable even though it doesn’t look like a button.

And finally, just to point out what the Vaadin Control Panel could do to your original problem: It doesn’t let you use different widgetsets with different portlets as including multiple widgetset on the same html page is not supported. The Control Panel will however help you compile a widgetset that contains all add-ons required by any of your portlets, provided that the add-on jar files are in locations where the Control Panel can find them. If the add-ons are not automatically detected, you can also include them in the widgetset by clicking the Manage Additional Dependencies button, selecting the jar files containing the add-ons and then clicking the button to recompile the widgetset.

thanks guys for trying to help. I have one of my team members looking into this and he will post back his results. We still have the use case where we have different widgetsets for more than one portlet on the same page. This is the whole idea why we use Liferay.

The main issue we are trying to resolve is to compile multiple custom widgetsets into a single default widgetset so that multiple portlets can exist on the same html page. We would like to use the Vaadin Control Panel portlet to achieve this.

The second issue, which was a problem deploying the Vaadin Control Panel itself has been resolved. We were using a custom theme, which the control panel was not aware of.

Now that the control panel has been deployed, we are currently still working on the main issue.