The problem with the chart

I am having problem when I posted the chart on the page. I first work with Vaadin, and can’t understand where I went wrong.

My actions:

  1. I installed the “Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse”. I work in the “Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers”.

  2. I created a new Vaadin project. The project is working successfully.

  3. I adjusted the ivy files, to add vaadin charts (

  4. Added code chart. The code I took from a web page

  5. Chart not working. I kind of did everything right, but the chart is not displayed.

    Widgetset ‘com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet’ does not contain implementation for com.vaadin.addon.charts.Chart. Check its component connector’s @Connect mapping, widgetsets GWT module description file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to add-on instructions.

You need to compile your own widgetset. Did you already check the add-on instructions from the link that your application shows or from the Directory help page or in the Book of Vaadin for instructions/explanations?

The easiest way to do this is to click the “Compile widgetset” (cog icon) button in the Eclipse toolbar.

You need to compile the widgetset. This is a typical thing you need to do each time you add an addon to your project, in this case Charts.

To compile, select the project in the project tree, and find the Vaadin gear icon in the menu bar; choose compile Widgetset. When that is done, you can try again.

Thanks! I don’t know why, but I didn’t compile a widget. I reinstall Java 6 and now everything works.

I am having another problem. I tried to use the chart “timeline”, but I have no libraries
. For the chart “Spline” also needs the library only
. What to do?

Where to find the library?


Those look like demo classes. I couldn’t find them in our charts repository, so it must be a custom demo. In any case, you can use charts without them. For other examles, you should download the package from the directory:
. It contains simpler examples to get you started with Charts.

Most demo chart contain the code
. Open code
chart “Bar”
) and you will see
“import com.vaadin.addon.charts.demoandtestapp.abstractvaadinchartexample;”
. But chart “Bar” works without AbstractVaadinChartExample. Most charts are without AbstractVaadinChartExample.

I don’t use the
chart “Timeline”
, the code I took from here -
. Code chart “Timeline” contains a method (setSpacing) and class (VaadinForumDataSource), which
cannot be found

Close the topic. The code is from the book of Vaadin works - =)

re burbak…add the chart to the layout…bhak burbak