./VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js" using Vaadin 7.2.4 / portlet / GateIn


I need help with the error “Failed to load the bootstrap javascript: ./VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js” using Vaadin 7.2.4.

Here is what I did:

  • Created a new project in Eclipse Kepler and the Vaadin plugin with the project wizard (File → New → Other… → Vaadin → Vaadin 7 Project)
    Target Runtime is JBoss 6.3.0.Alpha1 (AS 7.4.0.Final-redhat-4) with a GateIn Portal
    Configuration is “Vaadin 7, Java 6, Servlet 3.0”
    Deployment configuration “Generic Portlet (2.0)”
    Checked “Create project template” and left all default values

  • Built the project and started it within Eclipse via “Run as → Run on Server”
    → Application runs, the “Click me” button shows up and responds

Now create a new GateIn Portal Page with and add the portlet.

Directly i get the following error:

  • Failed to load the bootstrap javascript: /html/VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js

How can this be fixed? Portlet is running fine standalone but in the JBoss GateIn Portal not?


Hello Willem,

sorry that i have no solution to your request, but i have the sort of the same problem i guess:

Will be following your Post to see if there is some solution here coming up…

Don’t know it has got to do something with the Server?!

Thanks for your reply. I hope some else have a fix for this. I am out of options right now :frowning:

Maybe that removing of Jetty Dependencies works for you. Sadly it didn’t for me, but that might be caused due to other stuff out of my project-reach.

gatein is exoplatform, this tutorial works:
