Number/numeric field for Vaadin 7?

I was really surprised, that there is no native numeric field texbox for vaadin 7. I did a temporary solution with the server side code, but we all know what that means…
Anyway, does anyone know an add-on for numeric/number field which works in Vaadin 7?
I found two add-ons for vaadin 6, but none for vaadin 7, so I wonder if I should choose vaadin 6 instead?


No temporary solutions required
Section 9.2.3, “Converting Between Property Type and Representation”.

If you must do client side validation…

FWIW, I’ve also implented a very simply Vaadin 7 Extension using JQuery and the JQuery
Autonumeric Plugin

I’m afraid I don’t have time to publish it as an addon - but it really is quite simple.
This article
shows how easy it is to make a Vaadin extension.

I’ve published a small
GitHub snippet
that contains the bare bones of doing so with AutoNumeric.


