SQLContainer- help


i’m a beginner in vaddin i started to make the address books’s example, (with the PersonContainer createWithTestData( ) ) and now i want to add the sqlcontaner, so i started to write the DataBaseHelper and download the add-on sqlcontainer and copy under WEB-INF/lib folder

Now the problem is: i still got exceptions, for example when i create the private class:

private SQLContainer personContainer = null;

I add, into the code:

import com.vaadin.addon.sqlcontainer.SQLContainer;

but it says: package com.vaadin.addon.sqlcontainer doesn’t exist

Could somebody help me?

And, there are also “add-ons” i need to download? for:



You don’t have to add SQLContainer addon to your jar’s becouse if you read → https://vaadin.com/directory#addon/vaadin-sqlcontainer you can see:

SQLContainer has been integrated into Vaadin 6.7 and this add-on will not receive any further updates. All changes will be made to the Vaadin Framework only.

Read also this post →
Form with Tabsheet
, I created some simple app that uses SQLContainer. Only what you have to do is to download zip file from
unpack and import this location to your Eclipse IDE.

Thank you! i didn’t know it

i’m going to read the post, to see how it works.

I clicked the link SimpleApp and i was sent to SkyDrive, but which file i should download?

And is it okay to begin with the address book application, i don’t have more tutorials or information about vaadin to get start

Ohh sorry I forget how M$ skydrive’s links works :), you should download HelloWorld file.

I started to learn vaadin with this tutorial and I created “HelloWorld” app using it soo yes I think. Good one for start. If you have some problems post here and I will try help you if I could.

Thanks again!

Hello again

i’ve been working with the HelloWorld app (the one i downloaded from skydrive)

I have some questions, first i use NetBeans and i imported the app, but if i want to open the project, i have to choose a folder, and i don’t know which one…

So i decided to write the code again and create the classes:


and i’m working on FirebirdGeneratos.

But in each class i have exceptions, for example in HelloWorldApplication:
with the ContextHelp… where is the class ContextHelp?

With the class DataSourceContainer, i have exceptions with:

private JDBCConnectionPool connectionPool = null;
private SQLContainer kontrahContainer = null; 
private SQLContainer firmyContainer = null;

connectionPool = new SimpleJDBCConnectionPool

etc…Do you want to see the other exceptions??
What can i do??