Not able to create cookies when Vaadin app loaded into Iframe in other webs

I have created my application in Vaadin 14 and I display that application in my website inside IFrame and It shows an error like Cookies are disabled.

This issue happens in Chrome as chrome introduce a new cookie flag SameSite for security reason.

Please follow the below step to reproduce the issue.

  1. Download Chrome Canary , then install and launch it.

  2. In Canary, navigate to chrome://settings/help and verify that you see Google Chrome is up to date, if not then update Canary.

  3. Navigate to chrome://flags/#samesite and enable these three SameSite flags:

SameSite by default cookies

Enable removing SameSite=None cookies

Cookies without SameSite must be secure

Hi there! First time here!

Any news about this topic? I’m desperate…my Vaadin pages inside iFrame always report “Cookies disabled. This application requires cookies to function. Please enable cookies in your browser and click here or press ESC to try again” error.

I tried many “solutions” (like sameSiteCookies=None into Tomcat’s context.xml) but none worked.

Using TomCat 9, Vaadin-core 14.2.0, Chrome (only in Chrome I got this error).

Please Help!!!

Best Regards!

ps: outside iFrame I got the error too

Hi, I can’t say I know the answer to this question; however I’ve created a walkthrough, with a couple of steps to try and debug this pesky issue. Please feel free to follow it here:

Please let me know if you are able to discover the original cause. Also, if there’s any information missing in the walkthrough, just let me know and I’ll update it.

Are you using Proxy Server/Zuul?

See for more details.