AutocompleteExtension not doing anything.

From the sample code on!addon/autocomplete-extension it seems this must be one of the easiest addons to use, and still I fail … :—(

I’m running Vaadin 8.0.3 with Spring Boot 1.5.2 as per Spring Initializr +

<dependency> <groupId>org.vaadin.spring.addons</groupId> <artifactId>vaadin-spring-addon-sidebar</artifactId> <version>2.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency> I have a View that starts out like this

@SpringComponent @SpringView(name = DefaultViewComponent.VIEW_NAME) @SideBarItem(sectionId = Sections.CUSTOMERS, caption = "Customers", order = 1) @FontAwesomeIcon(FontAwesome.DATABASE) @ViewScope @Slf4j public class DefaultViewComponent extends DefaultView implements View { ... private TextField txtSearch = new TextField(); private AutocompleteExtension<String> extSearch = new AutocompleteExtension<>(txtSearch); ... @Override public void enter(ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent event) { ... extSearch.setSuggestionGenerator(this::find); } ... private List<String> find(String search, int cap) {"find(): {}", search); return ImmutableList.of("Ole", "Dole", "Doffen"); } ... } Never stops in the find-method in the debugger, and the log statemet doesn’t get invoked either. What am I doing wrong?

For the record, I do get it running in a plain application generated from the vaadin archetype…

PS created a plain Spring Boot application, with a minimum UI with autocomplete (copy of a working test ui with vaadin archetype with jetty), and the autocomplete does not respond.

Widgetset must be compiled …

thanks, Adam!