XML is missing for Maven and Ivy

Hello @Vaadin,

I have problems on updating my addon MessageBox. There is no XML available for version 3.0.7 and 3.0.8 on downloading as Maven od Ivy. Therefore, I had to switch back to an older version for public access. May a vaadin admin check for the cause? I tried to publish the addon as zip with javadoc and source at version 3.0.7. Have this succeeded?

It would make the life more easier, if the file upload would give me more feedback: If I upload a jar, I want to know, if the server have found the pom.xml and publish it, and if not, what the cause is. If I upload a zip, I additionally want to know, if the server will publish the source and javadoc, and if not, where the server would expected these files. You may add a wizard dialog for example.
