Mam sobie małą, prostą aplikację. Posiada tabelkę z danymi oraz przyciskami (w postaci button-link w tejże tabelce). Po naciśnięciu przycisku aplikacja ma za zadanie pokazać pop-up (klasa Window) przedstawiającą pewne dane (z możliwością edycji).
I teraz tak: na Chromie okno wyskakuje niemalże natychmiast (czas oczekiwania - max 1,5s). Z kolei to samo okienko na przeglądarce Firefox to już do 4 sekund oczekiwania na pop-up.
Zastanawiam się, czy to kwestia wydajności samej przeglądarki, czy jednak błędnego layoutu modalnego okna (po otwarciu okna liczba div’ów wynosi
Dorzucam wyniki debuga (?debug w URL - może ktoś rozumie te magiczne linijki to mi wyjaśni ):
929ms RPC invocations to be sent to the server:
929ms 412 (class com.vaadin.client.ui.button.ButtonConnector) :
933ms Sending xhr message to server: {"csrfToken":"f8db2649-aeb3-4d9f-8b3e-193a9c50a983","rpc":[["412","com.vaadin.shared.ui.button.ButtonServerRpc","click",[{"altKey":false,"button":"LEFT","clientX":1144,"clientY":234,"ctrlKey":false,"metaKey":false,"relativeX":35,"relativeY":9,"shiftKey":false,"type":1}]
1190ms Server visit took 257.885ms
1195ms JSON parsing took 3.505ms
1199ms Received xhr message: for(;;);[223 652 znaków]
1202ms Handling message from server
1202ms * Handling resources from server
1203ms * Handling type inheritance map from server
1204ms Handling type mappings from server
1204ms Handling resource dependencies
1205ms * Handling meta information
1205ms * Creating connectors (if needed)
1418ms * Updating connector states
1469ms * Handling locales
1469ms * Updating connector hierarchy
1478ms * Sending hierarchy change events
1722ms * Running @DelegateToWidget
1724ms * Sending state change events
2158ms * Passing UIDL to Vaadin 6 style connectors
2653ms * Performing server to client RPC calls
2657ms * Unregistered 0 connectors
2658ms handleUIDLMessage: 1452 ms
2658ms Starting layout phase
2751ms Measured 137 non connector elements
2980ms Pass 1 measured 246 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 48 layouts.
3180ms Pass 2 measured 58 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 15 layouts.
3256ms Did overflow fix for 5 elements
3349ms Pass 3 measured 33 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 5 layouts.
3428ms Did overflow fix for 10 elements
3524ms Pass 4 measured 21 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 1 layouts.
3669ms Did overflow fix for 5 elements
3826ms Pass 5 measured 6 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 1 layouts.
4033ms Did overflow fix for 3 elements
4299ms Pass 6 measured 3 elements, fired 0 listeners and did 0 layouts.
4299ms No more changes in pass 7
4425ms Total layout phase time: 1766ms
4426ms * Dumping state changes to the console
4448ms UIDL: undefined
4649ms Processing time was 3448ms
4649ms Referenced paintables: 350