Hi, I’m using 8.4.5
I want to change the feedback value displayed by the Slider.
It seems to me that rewritting VSlider is the only way as HTML feedback is private.
I do so and compile my app :
Could not find my.test.client.MySlider in types compiled from source. Is the source glob too strict?
Errors in 'gen/com/vaadin/client/metadata/ConnectorBundleLoaderImpl.java'
Line 598: Rebind result 'my.test.client.MySlider' could not be found
<!-- the above inherits from com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet -->
<inherits name="com.vaadin.contextmenu.WidgetSet" />
I think my issue is that I don’t know how to properly intregrate the compilation of a new client side component within my working application.
Meaning merging https://vaadin.com/docs/v8/framework/gwt/gwt-overview.html into my application tree.
I want to change the client side behaviour of the Vaadin Slider class,
and to do so, I only have to apply some changes in Slider.java (copying it into MySlider.java and changing of fews things), would I need to copy and rename all the other related classes (SliderState,SliderClientRPC,SliderServerRPC,…) ?
Do I need to compile the .java into .class and package them into my application or is the generated js enough ?
Should I maybe compile my widget in a separate jar and then incorporate it as I do with com.vaadin.contextmenu.WidgetSet ?
I have written a generator class that creates a simple adaptor for our DTOs. Basically, all the generated code does is to look through all the methods of the DTO to find the getters, and create a single getProperty(String) method to retrieve a property based on its property name. [Liteblue]
Everything appears to go ok until the compiler tries to compile the GWT.create() statement, and then I get the “must be a class” error.