((MyUI) UI.getCurrent()).setContent(panel);
I would like the splitter to reach the bottom of the page and the TreeTable was on the left hand side so that it would be depending on the Treetable level (ie the row) on the right hand side to load the appropriate form
I think there is something more missing.
There is the mainHSplitPanel but the
((MyUI) UI.getCurrent()).setContent(panel);
is set, so panel is the mainHSplitPanel?
As far as is see and like Olli Tietäväinen said, there are one or more
missing. In your code i don’t see mainHSplitPanel.setSizeFull(). If panel != mainHSplitPanel take care, that the panel is full size. Your view extends VerticalLayout but it is not used? If it is used you should set this.setSizeFull().
At least you can analyze your website with chrome devtools or firebug and take a look which component is not full size.
You can also use debug mode (add ?debug to the URL) to check which is the component that is the bottom-most of your hierarchy. Make sure that component is full size.
((MyUI) UI.getCurrent()).setContent(mainHSplitPanel);
I removed the panel and left the HorizontalSplit Panel. I now have a TreeTable on the whole page on the left hand side , but I do not have a top layout with buttons. It seems mainHSplitPanel covers the top layout with buttons (initTopLayout method)
It would be a lot of writing to show you all my trials. This has been set for several hours and unfortunately has no effect.
I added top layout and I sure it is not removed. I think mainHSplitPanel covers the top layout with buttons, but I have no idea not to cover up it
The author of this article says that the default panels can therefore only store one component, and if we want to embed more components there, we need to use a “ladder”, that is, in the panel to embed the layout, and in the layout of our components.
Is this true?
Does this mean that I insert a panel and it fills in all available space and does not allow to place another layout. I mean the method
((MyUI) UI.getCurrent()).setContent(mainHSplitPanel);