I found only a few examples in the documentation: “change”,
“input”, “click” and where can I find a complete list of events and their description in what cases can they be used? and also “eventData”, for example: “event.shiftKey”, “element.offsetWidth”, “element.value”, etc. .Are there links to these pages with full descriptions of all these species?
The list is literally endless; it’s the whole JavaScript world https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event
thank you, I opened this page but didn’t really understand anything, I don’t know js, if I use it, it’s in a very simple form generated by chatGPT
I understand that if you create more complex components you need js, ts and html. But for now I want to learn the framework purely in java, then if there is something missing I will create components and events for them, but thanks for the answer again