What can you do as Vaadin client module?

Here are some cool examples from todays demo session at Vaadin HQ:

Video chat implemented with #WebRTC, #Elemental, #GWT & #Vaadin 7: https://github.com/p4elkin/VideoChat
Demo (req. WebRTC): http://ec2-50-19-13-217.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8080/vaadin-video-chat/

Brainvuck interpreter as Vaadin 7 client module: https://github.com/UnforgivenPL/brainvuck
Demo: http://miki.virtuallypreinstalled.com/BrainVuck/

Griddy image album created as Vaadin 7 client module: https://github.com/vaadin-marcus/Griddy
Demo: http://marcus.virtuallypreinstalled.com/Griddy/

Face recognition based login demo created with #Vaadin 7 and #WebRTC: https://github.com/henrikerola/FaceLogin
Demo: http://hene.virtuallypreinstalled.com/facelogin/

This is just scratching the surface on what you can do. Just think distributing these as add-on components.


My name is rené , i just want to say thank you for the all the hard & wonderfull work .

I’m just beginning with vaadin, even if i’ve been following the actuality of vaadin for 2 years now, and i’m truly inspired by all the stuff in vaadin community.

I know beginning vaadin directly with V7 might not be a good idea , i don’t know. But one of the first thing i like about Vaadin is the ease of use, and as New java based middleware administrator & developper, i didn’t feel until V7, that the step to accomplish client side pure gwt ( complexe or rich ) widget into a vaadin App was respecting the vaadin philosophy .

But now with V7 i’m really enthusiastic about learning et developping vaadin app.

Long story short, i just wanna say thank you .

Hey by the way Great Book espacialy chapter 11 Developping New component .
