How to use virtual list with data provider ? I am not able to find any documentation nor in typescript? I want to use data provider like we have for grid component.
VirtualList has a method setDataProvider
which allows you to pass a DataProvider for it
i get error when trying setDataProvider in react
Property setDataProvider does not exist on type
IntrinsicAttributes & Partial<Omit<Partial<ThemedWebComponentProps<VirtualList, Readonly<{}>>>, ‘children’ | ‘renderer’>> & Readonly<…> & RefAttributes<…>
Ah, right, you’re using Hilla. In that case, you’re out of luck. There’s no DataProvider API for the React component.
i think I will just use onScroll listener. Also I wanted to have like 2 cards per row layout. Not sure if that is possible with Virtual List.
onScroll={function (e) {
//check if scroll to end
if (
Math.abs(e.currentTarget.scrollHeight - e.currentTarget.scrollTop - e.currentTarget.clientHeight) <=
) {
props.service.getListData(pageable, filter, andFilter).then(function (values) {
data.value = data.value.concat(values);
You could also use a single-column Grid instead?
I expect you could do a two-column implementation by using a [item, item | null]
tuple as the item type in the virtual list and then combining the actual items before you pass them to the list.