vaadin plugin in eclipse

Hi everybody,

I’m just trying to discovering vaandin and i wanted to install the plugin for eclipse that i used.

I followed the step shown in the tutorial and the book but i have a message like this appear when i add the site:


NLS missing message: Unexpected_exception in: org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.updatesite.metadata.messages


I reaaly neeed help … I liked this kind of new framework and i want to learn it.

P.S: I’ m using windows Vista.

Thank you

Just to make sure, are you sure that you have the “Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers”? Is it a clean install of Eclipse?

PS. I hope you made the typo in “” in your post, not in Eclipse.


Thank you for your answer , Yes i’m using Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, i used to developp with struts and spring.

But what you mean by puting the typo : “” in my post not eclipse???

And which version of Eclipse? I’m not quite sure how old versions are still compatible with the Vaadin plugin.

If it’s a reasonably new version of Eclipse (3.6 or 3.7), I don’t know what else could be the reason. You might have something incompatible installed in the Eclipse.

I just meant that I hope you didn’t make the same typo with the extra “n” in Eclipse, as you did in the forum post above.

The version of my eclipse Galileo is ( and i put the typo like it’s shown in the demo without an ‘n’ -_- .

I guess because the old version of eclipse!!! Don’t you think so???

Ok, I tried the exactly same version and the Vaadin plugin works just OK in Galileo. The OS shouldn’t matter as many people use the plugin with Vista.

So, can’t say what is the problem.

I hope you had “Contact all update sites” unchecked when installing the plugin.

Can your Eclipse get other plugins? Perhaps a firewall problem in Vista?