I want to build an OSGi Vaadin app with Tycho, but I have some problems.
I created a simple custom Vaadin Addon bundle and I have to use some other “official” Vaadin Addon jars too. I would like to compile and copy all Addon widgetsets into my main Vaadin bundle, under the Tycho build process. The vaadin-maven-plugin find all of my resources, but don’t compile all widgetsets & styles, only one (my custom created Addon bundle → ‘com.example.myapplication.WidgetSet’):
auto discovered modules [com.example.myapplication.WidgetSet]
Updating widgetset com.example.myapplication.WidgetSet
Widgetsets found from classpath:
org.vaadin.treegrid.WidgetSet in jar:file:…/com.test.vaadin/bundles/com.test.vaadin.simple/libs/vaadin-treegrid-0.7.0.jar!/
fi.jasoft.qrcode.QrcodeWidgetset in jar:file:…/.m2/repository/org/vaadin/addons/qrcode/2.0.1/qrcode-2.0.1.jar!/
com.example.myapplication.WidgetSet in file:…/com.test.vaadin/bundles/com.test.vaadin.simple/src
com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet in jar:file:…/com.test.vaadin/bundles/com.test.vaadin.libs/lib/com.vaadin.client_7.7.6.jar!/
Addon styles found from classpath:
VAADIN/addons/treegrid/treegrid.scss in jar:file:…/com.test.vaadin/bundles/com.test.vaadin.simple/libs/vaadin-treegrid-0.7.0.jar!/
auto discovered modules [com.example.myapplication.WidgetSet]
Compiling module com.example.myapplication.WidgetSet
Computing all possible rebind results for ‘com.vaadin.client.metadata.ConnectorBundleLoader’
I attached the relevant pom.xmls
Have anyone any idea, whats wrong or missed?
29426.xml (1.66 KB)
29427.xml (1.77 KB)
29428.xml (3.93 KB)