vaadin native select

which method is automatically called when we click on native button?

Well there is a ValueChangeListener which gets fired when the user selects an item (select might need to be in immediate mode) but for a general clicklistener you would have to use a LayoutClickListener on the Layout in which the NaticeSelect is embedded or maybe create an extension (should be mentioned in another thread).

I want to override default reindeer style for textfield focus(background color).I tried but it did’nt happen.I want to use it with name given by me so that i can apply it on particular fields.Please help me with this.

Did you override .v-textfield-focus?
You could also try making your background-color styling !important if you didn’t already:
background-color: green !important;

I tried this and its working for whole application but want this to be specific so that i can use this for some particular field using addStyle(“myStyle”) method.

&.v-app .v-textfield-focus{

i tried this but its not working.

.myStyle &.v-app .v-textfield-focus{


.myStyle .v-textfield-focus{

Thanks for your help.

The last one should in theory work but it might have no affect because it gets overriden by another style. Try something like this: .myStyle .v-textfield-focus{ border-color:#3399FF !important; background-color:#CCFFFF !important; }

thank you very much.(!important) worked.
But whats meaning of !important.