I’m doing a project in Vaadin 7. In that I need to implement filters for a Treet able.
I was quiet successful in applying filters for one value. I mean, I have 4 Comboboxex ‘c1’, ‘c2’, ‘c3’, ‘c4’ and a Treetable ‘TT’. I load values to ‘TT’ using a HierarchicalContainer ‘HC’.
I implemented filters for all those Comboboxes using ValueChangeListener & addContainerFilter(). When I select a value from ‘C1’ it filters successfully and displays rows accordingly in the ‘TT’. Then, when I select a value from ‘c2’. It just ignores the filter set by ‘c1’ and filters value based on the value set at ‘c2’ and same in the rest of the filters.
All I need is, When I set value in both Comboboxex ‘C1’ & ‘C2’ the tree table ‘TT’ should display rows based on the values in both ‘c1’ & ‘c2’.
filterlogic = C1 AND C2 (Correct)
filterlogic = C1 OR C2 (Wrong)
I tried a lot and I studied a lot of codes. But, can’t get it done. Any help appreciated.!