Vaadin-Maven-Plugin: Theme in resources directory (not webapp!)


I did not find anything related to this topic (at least no solution).

Is it possible to have the theme (at compile time, for the “update-theme” and “compile-theme” target) in the resources directory instead of the webapp directory? And by consequence to specify the directory of the theme somehow?

Thank you in advance!


we have multiple projects.
Theme files of
projects (not war) are located in the

Theme compilation is executed in the
project where the main theme files are located in the standard location

The theme is comiled using the SassCompiler directly in a war project and maven dependencies on the classpath (e.g. eclipse run configuration).
The SassCompiler just needs input and output file parameters:

src\main\webapp\VAADIN\themes\mytheme\styles.scss   src\main\webapp\VAADIN\themes\mytheme\styles.css

It took me quite a while to figure it out.
I suggested to vaadin that the vaadin eclipse plugin should be able to compile any scss files, independent of where they are located but they have tickets with higher priority.
Hope it helps.

I put the \VAADIN\themes\ in the src\mail\webapp; then it works.