Hello all. I been working for a while on my web application. Today i’ve added some new features and i got this error. I am using Linux OpenSuse. Tried to delete generated cache files as well as .m2 hidden folder with repositories. Google didn’t really healp me.
This is the output i got after running my app.
--- vaadin-maven-plugin:7.5.9:compile (default) @ tvrd ---
auto discovered modules [com.mycompany.tvrd.MyAppWidgetset]
Failed to retrieve com.vaadin:vaadin-client-compiler based on project POM
Using com.vaadin:vaadin-client-compiler version 7.5.9
Compiling module com.mycompany.tvrd.MyAppWidgetset
Tracing compile failure path for type 'com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.vcom.navigation.NavigationManagerConnector'
Errors in 'com/vaadin/addon/touchkit/gwt/client/vcom/navigation/NavigationManagerConnector.java'
Line 110: The method getMessageHandler() is undefined for the type ApplicationConnection
Line 115: The method getMessageHandler() is undefined for the type ApplicationConnection
Tracing compile failure path for type 'com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.communication.TouchKitConnectionStateHandler'
Errors in 'com/vaadin/addon/touchkit/gwt/client/communication/TouchKitConnectionStateHandler.java'
Line 11: The import com.vaadin.client.communication.DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved
Line 139: XhrConnectionError cannot be resolved to a type
Line 111: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
Line 124: The method getConnection() is undefined for the type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler
Line 110: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 75: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 134: The method getConnection() is undefined for the type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler
Line 169: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 99: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 27: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 129: XhrConnectionError cannot be resolved to a type
Line 51: The method heartbeatOk() of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 72: The method pushClientTimeout(PushConnection, JavaScriptObject) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 108: The method pushOk(PushConnection) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 42: The method heartbeatInvalidStatusCode(Request, Response) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 167: The method pushInvalidContent(PushConnection, String) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 35: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 97: The method pushReconnectPending(PushConnection) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 119: XhrConnectionError cannot be resolved to a type
Line 170: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
Line 87: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 64: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
Line 88: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
Line 158: The method pushNotConnected(JsonObject) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 160: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 172: The method getConnection() is undefined for the type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler
Line 44: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 33: The method heartbeatException(Request, Throwable) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 60: The method pushClosed(PushConnection, JavaScriptObject) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 149: The method xhrOk() of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 13: The import com.vaadin.client.communication.XhrConnectionError cannot be resolved
Line 53: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 63: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 84: The method pushError(PushConnection, JavaScriptObject) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
Line 100: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
Line 144: The method getConnection() is undefined for the type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler
Line 151: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
Line 76: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
Aborting compile due to errors in some input files