--- vaadin-maven-plugin:7.5.9:compile (default) @projectname ERROR

Hello all. I been working for a while on my web application. Today i’ve added some new features and i got this error. I am using Linux OpenSuse. Tried to delete generated cache files as well as .m2 hidden folder with repositories. Google didn’t really healp me.

This is the output i got after running my app.

--- vaadin-maven-plugin:7.5.9:compile (default) @ tvrd ---
auto discovered modules [com.mycompany.tvrd.MyAppWidgetset]

Failed to retrieve com.vaadin:vaadin-client-compiler based on project POM
Using com.vaadin:vaadin-client-compiler version 7.5.9
Compiling module com.mycompany.tvrd.MyAppWidgetset
   Tracing compile failure path for type 'com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.vcom.navigation.NavigationManagerConnector'
 Errors in 'com/vaadin/addon/touchkit/gwt/client/vcom/navigation/NavigationManagerConnector.java'
 Line 110: The method getMessageHandler() is undefined for the type ApplicationConnection
 Line 115: The method getMessageHandler() is undefined for the type ApplicationConnection
   Tracing compile failure path for type 'com.vaadin.addon.touchkit.gwt.client.communication.TouchKitConnectionStateHandler'
 Errors in 'com/vaadin/addon/touchkit/gwt/client/communication/TouchKitConnectionStateHandler.java'
 Line 11: The import com.vaadin.client.communication.DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved
 Line 139: XhrConnectionError cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 111: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
 Line 124: The method getConnection() is undefined for the type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler
 Line 110: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 75: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 134: The method getConnection() is undefined for the type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler
 Line 169: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 99: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 27: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 129: XhrConnectionError cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 51: The method heartbeatOk() of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 72: The method pushClientTimeout(PushConnection, JavaScriptObject) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 108: The method pushOk(PushConnection) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 42: The method heartbeatInvalidStatusCode(Request, Response) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 167: The method pushInvalidContent(PushConnection, String) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 35: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 97: The method pushReconnectPending(PushConnection) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 119: XhrConnectionError cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 170: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
 Line 87: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 64: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
 Line 88: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
 Line 158: The method pushNotConnected(JsonObject) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 160: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 172: The method getConnection() is undefined for the type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler
 Line 44: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 33: The method heartbeatException(Request, Throwable) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 60: The method pushClosed(PushConnection, JavaScriptObject) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 149: The method xhrOk() of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 13: The import com.vaadin.client.communication.XhrConnectionError cannot be resolved
 Line 53: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 63: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 84: The method pushError(PushConnection, JavaScriptObject) of type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler must override or implement a supertype method
 Line 100: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
 Line 144: The method getConnection() is undefined for the type TouchKitConnectionStateHandler
 Line 151: DefaultConnectionStateHandler cannot be resolved to a type
 Line 76: The method isBidirectional() is undefined for the type PushConnection
 Aborting compile due to errors in some input files

Check your project setup. This error indicates, that for some reason depencies are not right. I.e. when compiling, compiler is not seeing the jar file of the Touchkit. This means either depencies could be resolved or buildpath is wrongly setup. Start with maven update project.

I did, i even redownloaded everything. I found that file myself and jar file also exist. Something else is problem i think.