I’ve been working on a custom element to use as a row details generator off and on for awhile now. This row details generator would actually be a row editor, capable of editing the contents of a row. However, it seems to be very heavy weight at times.
Detached and Reattached
When I have my row editor open and I scroll vertically, my row editor is reused like it is a regular row. I am wondering if there is a way to have it detached and closed to prevent vertical scroll lag? I feel like there could be some situations where the row details generator should close when it is vertically scrolled off of the grid. I know some of my field editors are slightly more complex than single line inputs, but with 7-8 columns (meaning 7-8 field editors), the scroll lags quite a bit and the row editor flashes.
I suppose there is no way to escape using insertBefore, which I believe is the cause of this lag?