Hi, I’m reposting here from a question I just posted in the gitter chatroom.
I am trying to make vaadin-grid play with Ajax GET calls that use an offset and limit against a remote RESTful service, and append the incoming data as it arrives. It seems to work OK, but doing the append all at once as a series of asynchronous calls is not optimal because things are rather slow (about 1 sec to fetch about 1000 rows), so this background updating takes in the case of 10K rows about 10-15 seconds to complete.
I would much prefer it if somehow I could hook the successive fetches directly into the infinite scrolling so that it only makes another Ajax call as it reaches the scroll bottom. What I am looking for is something like what is available in iron-scroll-threshold. I can’t seem to find any vaadin events associated with scroll threshold, for instance, in the vaadin-grid TableScrollBehavior. Is this feasible? Is it a horrible idea? (BTW, I am familiar with the classic problem when acquiring data like this, but the sources of the data either are very stable or actually implement a kind of time-bound snapshot on the back-end.)
Our project is still on Polymer 1.7, will be updated soon. I’m using vaadin-grid 2.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Al