I set the tabindex on components with setTabIdex(…) (Vaadin Flow 12.0.3). This worked on Chrome (71.0) and Opera (57.0) well, but on Firefox (64.0) the focus did not go to the next field when I pressed the TAB key on the field (nor when I pressed Shift-TAB for focusing the previous one).
As I read in this [article]
(https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/Keyboard-navigable_JavaScript_widgets), the ‘Grouping controls’ thing causes the problem (the component has the same tabindex property as the input field in the component).
For fixing it I modified the ‘vaadin-control-state-mixin.html’ (at line 241; see below). After that the focus went through the controls as I expected. But not backward, the Shift-TAB key-combo still does not work on FF. The other browsers handle the focus shifting properly.
_tabindexChanged(tabindex) {
if (tabindex !== undefined) {
// this.focusElement.tabIndex = tabindex;
this.focusElement.tabIndex = -1;