I’m trying to use the Vaadin Control Panel for Liferay but I’m having problems installing it. In my Liferay 6 installation, I install the vaadin-controlpanel-for-liferay.war. When I add the portlet to a page to begin using it, the portlet shows that some jar files are missing. Here’s the output of the “Settings” area:
Vaadin Jar Version
GWT Jar Locations
gwt-dev.jar NOT FOUND in /C:/Program Files/Tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/webapps/ROOT//WEB-INF/vaadin/gwt/2.0.4
gwt-user.jar NOT FOUND in /C:/Program Files/Tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/webapps/ROOT//WEB-INF/vaadin/gwt/2.0.4
Vaadin add-ons not found from the add-on directory.
Other Dependencies
The installation instructions: http://vaadin.com/directory#addon/vaadin-control-panel-for-liferay
say that I only need to drop the war into the deploy directory, but it looks like I need to do something else (i.e. manually add the missing jars??).
Any suggestions?
There should be a link [Download GWT jars]
directly underneath the NOT FOUND -warnings, and clicking that should download the jars automatically to the correct folder (assuming you are using the newest version of Vaadin Control Panel for Liferay). If that doesn’t work you can also download the jars directly from
here .
the only thing in C:/Program Files/Tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/vaadin/gwt/ was another folder “2.0.4”, which was empty.
I saw that the Vaadin version was out of date (6.4.10), so I dropped a recent 6.6.x version in C:\Program Files\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-6.0.32\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib. Then, after a server bounce, the control panel was looking for the 4 dependent jars for Vaadin 6.6.x (now it’s looking for them in “2.3.0”), so I downloaded the missing jars (thanks for the link, Anna), and now I’m able to use the control panel and compile widget sets for addons.
Thanks for the help!
I tried the link you suggested, but I kept getting connection errors (I can’t remember exactly the error message).
I think the problem is that I’m in an environment that is restricted by a proxy server and I don’t know how to setup Liferay to use the proxy instead of a direct network connection. I get these every time my server starts up:
If you want to update Vaadin version it’s not enough to update the vaadin.jar, you also need to update the themes that should be in C:\Program Files\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-6.0.32\webapps\ROOT\html\VAADIN\themes (no need to add those themes that aren’t already there, just update the ones that you already have - but don’t touch the VAADIN\ControlPanel\themes, those are for the Control Panel’s bundled Vaadin version and no other portlet uses them). And like you said, the newer version uses newer GWT, but if you already downloaded all four jars to 2.3.0 you should be safe on that account.
I don’t have any suggestions on how the fix the proxy problem, sorry.
thanks for the tip…what do I need to do to update the themes?
It looks like all the themes are in the vaadin.jar … do I just extract those to C:\Program Files\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-6.0.32\webapps\ROOT\html\VAADIN\themes ??
Yes, Vaadin 6.6.2 and later JARs contain all the necessary standard themes so you don’t need a separate package. Keep any own themes you might have in VAADIN/themes but replace standard ones with the versions in the JAR.
Then recompile the widgetset if not already done with the new Vaadin version.