Hey I have a Pro Tools license for Vaadin Charts. The instructions aren’t clear about how to use it for HTML elements on a web server. Anyone else have any luck using this on a live server? My server runs Cent OS 6 and Apache.
Also on my index.html on my server it isn’t finding:
[/code](I did not want to install Bower on the server so I am using CDN instead)
Hi Friends,
I have the problem. I am not able to run the Vaadin Project on Tomcat sercer 7.0.67 .on Centos 7. I am able to run the tomcat server from Eclips as well. but not working my project . it was saying error like. HTTP- Status 404- resource not avaliable. i new in Vaadin . If any one knows please replye me.
This is just an example, there is a comment below in docs:
“Again, notice to specify the correct version number for Charts.”
But still, we will take a look how to make it clearer.