We recently baught Vaadin Spreadsheets to integrate them with a legacy Struts 2 / Spring / Atmosphere / JMS / Hibernate application. The Application is already using Atmosphere and works fine with the vaadin atmosphere jars. We are using an Atmosphere JMSBroadcaster to push events from JMS to the web.
We are using some Atmoshpere Resources as follows:
@ManagedService(path = “/atmosphere/project/{id}”)
@ManagedService(path = “/atmosphere/dashboard”)
@ManagedService(path = “/atmosphere/eps”)
When the application is initialized everything works fine, and the call to Broadcaster.getDefault().lookupAll() will return all 3 broadcasters with the IDs shown below. Problem starts after we launch the page with the the embedded VaadinServlet.
After that Broadcaster.getDefault().lookupAll() will return only one that is the /* Broadcaster. So it looks like VaadinServlet is removing my Broadcasters and they are not created back again.
How am I supposed to keep using vaadin and my own Broadcaster / Resources? Is there a way to tell vaadin not to remove them?