Hi, programmers. Where can i find my vaadin application filename extension?
For example in javaFX it was a .jar file. We could open app by opening jar file. What is it in vaadin app?
i mean where is the app’s source file located and what is its extension.
Vaadin applications are web applications, not executable files. You deploy these applications to a compatible Java application server (like Tomcat, Jetty, WildFly etc.) and access them with a browser by pointing the browser to a URL.
Typically Vaadin applications are packaged as .war files (although this is not the only option). These files are deployed to the servers with various ways; you could use a web UI for that, or place them in a specific folder that is scanned on server startup, or through specific deployment scripts. You can’t run packaged a web application by itself, it needs a server to run on.
For development time, there are shorthands (like the maven-jetty-plugin) that allow you to package your application and deploy it to an ad-hoc server. This is probably something you don’t want to use for production.
If you’re using Maven as a dependency management tool, the packaged application (once you have run a suitable goal like mvn package or mvn install) can most often be found from the generated /target directory.