We use NemID service for authentication which is provided by DanID a govermental organization.
Below are the steps that we have to follow inorder to use it:
Embed the NemID Javascript client in your jsp using iframe element.
Once the NemID client is ready, it sends you a ready signal which we catch in our Javascript function.
And then we pass some company specific prams to NemID client for its initialization.
Afterwards the End user interacts with the NemID JS client, usually entering his username and password.
And then the NemID JS Client sends out login success or failure event to a function declared in Javascript of our JSP .
And finally we write down the response from NemID to a form element which knows exactly which spring action to be fired and then we just submit that form.
We want to migrate our existing project to Vaadin, provided above functionality is possible.
Can someone please comment on feasibility of above process in Vaadin.