I’m not super-familiar with Vaadin 8 yet, but sounds like the event has the validity value of the most recent changed field. Can you check the validity of the Binder instead?
So i test the behaviour which i describe above.
Here are some results:
binder.addStatusChangeListener(event -> {
boolean isValid = !event.hasValidationErrors();
boolean hasChanges = binder.hasChanges();
event contains only errors from actual modified field, not from whole form.
While user is typing something to field, it will trigger status change.
is there any way to use logic from V7 - after leaving the field, the value is binded.
it is annoing to get error messages while i’m writing and thinking about what to type.
is code above a bug or programmer need to find another way to get no valid state of binder
Is there any way to disable “on fly typing + validate” event?