I’m only a 1 week old Vaadin developer, so please forgive any potentially silly questions
Creating UI’s looks relatively straighforward but I’m
struggling with making things look cool. So I’ve downloaded the dashboard demo code (http://demo.vaadin.com/dashboard/) and looked at how its setting up buttons, for example, but I can’t make heads or tails of it:
for (final String view : new String { “dashboard”, “sales”,
“transactions”, “reports”, “schedule” }) {
Button b = new NativeButton(view.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
+ view.substring(1).replace(‘-’, ’ '));
b.addStyleName(“icon-” + view);
[/code]So that code seems to point to a style called “icon-sales” for example… but I can’t find a reference to it anywhere under the themes directory. Moreover the demo has a nice icon for sales, yet I can’t see it under the img directory, or anywhere else (where is it coming from??). Perhaps I downloaded an old version of the code, but pretty sure I got the latest from the Git repo.
Secondary question:
There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of Vaadin 7 themes to download? The few I see on this site don’t seem to support 7. Is there a magic place where there are lots of themes that some generous soul has contributed?