Vaadin 7 portlet render called only on page refresh

i was using vaadin 6 on liferay and things were working fine.
i tried moving to 7. I am using portletrequestlistener.
But now the render is only getting called in the portlet when the page is refreshed.
I saw this ticket
but i am not sure how to get around this, and this is an absolute show stopper.
Please let me know how to get around this, i need to get liferay’s theme display variable to render the portlet.
As the init has vaadinrequest parameter, i am not sure if i can use the init method to render my portlet

i now understand how it works , so i think the vaadinrequest variable in init is wraps around portletrequest, so we can access variables like themedisplay in it.
This needs to be documented.
So first time in a portlet init will be called and now it has access to renderrequest.
Consequtive refreshed will go to render request. This will help a lot for portlet developers, if you document it somewhere.