I’m trying to set up a Vaadin 7 development environment using the followings:
Vaadin 7
Tomcat(eclipse integrated)
These doesn’t seams to be straight forward. The vaadin 7 project works fine on jetty but on tomcat only if I deploy the war(which is not the way for a dev environment)
The problem your maven vaadin archetype app is not running using the Eclipse embedded Tomcat is caused by the vaadin-maven-plugin configuration in the pom.xml
<extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>
The webappDirectory ${basedir}/target/classes/VAADIN/widgetsets containing your compiled widgetset will not be copied to the wtpwepapps folder of your embedded Tomcat. Even adding this folder to the Eclipse project properties - Deployment Assembly won’t work.
If you don’t need a personalized widgetset, you might want to remove the @Widgetset annotation in your UI and add the vaadin-client-compiled dependency to the pom.xml
In case you need your own widgetset, you should be able to find a workaround based on above information.