Vaadin 7 : Jar Dependencies

After a downloading Ivy, a bit of poking around, and almost-randomly hitting the keyboard until something works - the following build file (in the same folder as the ivy.xml module) will parcel up the (jar/class) dependencies of each Ivy configuration, and stick in them in a directory.

It’s a start! I imagine I/we/someone might be able to generate a non-ivy-dependent ant file with appropriate filesets based on the all-in-one download (and/or generate the all-in-one download from the ivy module).

Note that the 7.03 Ivy config stuff hasn’t been added to the Download site (see
my post earlier today

<project basedir="." default="resolve" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" >	
    <target name="resolve">
        <ivy:retrieve type="jar" pattern="lib/[conf]