Vaadin 7.3 beta and Valo theme released

So I was able to answer my question partly myself.
I overrid some of the css of the valo-menu. The result looks like in the attached images (see attachments in next post, attach did not work in the first run).

I am sure that the scss is not perfect (I am no CSS-guru) and that there is a lot of optimization potential, but its just to try it out and to give others a starting point if they need something similar. I even do not know if this is a good solution, but its working at least :slight_smile: mazbe someone has a better solution?

The drawback here is that I still have not looked into a solution on how to additionally have a side-menu. And I am still working on somehow getting the components (like the search bar in the image) to wrap on the smallest screen size and take the full width.

The following source code shows how to use it (basically nearly the same as for the original menu, you just have to assign a style called “top-menu”):

public class CoreView extends VerticalLayout implements View {

    public static final String NAME = "";

    private ComponentContainer topMenuArea;
    private SingleComponentContainer contentArea;

    public void init() {



    private void initMenuArea() {
        topMenuArea = new CssLayout();

    private void initContentArea() {
        contentArea = new Panel();
        contentArea.setContent(new Label("Content comes here!"));
        setExpandRatio(contentArea, 1);

    public void addMenu(Component menu) {

    protected Component buildMenu() {
        CssLayout menu = new CssLayout();
        return menu;

    protected ComponentContainer buildTitle() {
        Label title = new Label("My <strong>App</strong>", ContentMode.HTML);

        CssLayout group = new CssLayout();
        group.setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE);

        TextField search = new TextField();

        Button button = new Button("");

        HorizontalLayout wrapper = new HorizontalLayout();

        wrapper.setExpandRatio(group, 1);
        return wrapper;

    protected MenuBar buildUserItems() {
        MenuBar bar = new MenuBar();

        // Simple item
        bar.addItem("", FontAwesome.ENVELOPE, null);

        // Item with badge
        bar.addItem("<span class=\"valo-menu-badge\">15</span>", FontAwesome.GLOBE, null);

        // User item
        MenuItem item = bar.addItem("John Doe", new ThemeResource("img/main/profile-pic-300px.jpg"), null);
        item.addItem("Preferences", FontAwesome.GEAR, null);
        item.addItem("Sign out", FontAwesome.LOCK, null);

        return bar;

    public void enter(ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent viewChangeEvent) {


Somehow the attachment did not work, so here is the scss in code:

@mixin top-menu($bg: $valo-menu-background-color, $badge-border-radius: $v-border-radius) {

  .v-ui {
    .top-menu {
      display: block;
      height: round($v-unit-size * 1.5);

      .valo-menu-part {
        overflow: visible;
        background: none;
        min-width: 0;
        max-width: none;

        @include position(fixed, 0 0 0 0);
        z-index: 100;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        height: round($v-unit-size * 1.5) !important;

        @include valo-gradient($color: $v-selection-color);
        $font-color: valo-font-color($v-selection-color, 1);
        color: $font-color;
        text-shadow: valo-text-shadow($font-color: $font-color, $background-color: $v-selection-color);
        border-bottom: valo-border($color: $v-selection-color);
        @include box-shadow(valo-bevel-and-shadow($shadow: $v-shadow));

      .valo-menu-title {
        background: none;
        border: none;
        box-shadow: none;

        display: table-cell;
        text-align: left !important;
        padding-top: 0;
        padding-bottom: 0;
        font-size: $v-font-size--large !important;

        &:before {
          content: '';
          display: inline-block;
          height: 100%;
          vertical-align: middle;
          margin-right: -0.25em;

        > * {
          display: inline-block;
          vertical-align: middle;
          @include margin(0 round($v-unit-size/2) 0 auto);

        > *:last-child {
          margin-right: 0;

      .v-menubar-user-menu {
        display: table-cell;
        padding: 0;
        height: round($v-unit-size * 1.5) !important;
        color: valo-font-color($v-selection-color, 0.5);
        max-width: 35% !important;
        font-size: $v-font-size !important;

        .v-menubar-menuitem {
          line-height: round($v-unit-size * 1.5) - 1px !important;
          white-space: nowrap;

        img.v-icon {
          display: inline-block;
          margin: 0 round($v-unit-size / 6) 0 0;
          width: $v-unit-size !important;
          height: $v-unit-size !important;
          border-radius: ceil($v-unit-size / 2) !important;
          border: none;

        .v-icon {
          display: inline-block;
          margin: 0 round($v-unit-size / 6) 0 0;
          line-height: $v-unit-size;
          font-size: round($v-unit-size / 1.5);
          vertical-align: middle;

        .v-menubar-menuitem-caption .valo-menu-badge {
          $badge-font-size: $v-font-size--small;

          display: inline-block;
          overflow: hidden;

          font-size: $badge-font-size;
          text-align: center;
          text-overflow: ellipsis;
          white-space: nowrap;
          line-height: round($badge-font-size * 1.5);

          background-color: valo-font-color($bg, 0.9);
          color: valo-font-color(valo-font-color($bg, 0.9));

          $h-offset: round($v-unit-size / 4) + round($v-unit-size / 6);
          $v-offset: round($v-unit-size / 9.5);

          position: relative;
          right: $h-offset;
          bottom: $v-offset;

          width: round($badge-font-size * 1.5);
          height: round($badge-font-size * 1.5);

          padding: 0;
          margin: 0 -($h-offset) 0 0;
          border-radius: $badge-border-radius;

      .valo-menuitems {
        @include valo-menu-style;
        position: fixed;
        z-index: 200;
        top: $v-unit-size;
        bottom: 0;
        height: auto;
        max-width: 100%;
        overflow: auto;
        padding: round($v-unit-size / 2) 0;
        @include transform(translatex(-100%));
        @include transition(all 300ms);

      .valo-menu-visible .valo-menuitems {
        @include transform(translatex(0%));

      .valo-menu-toggle .v-button-caption {
        display: none;

    @include width-range($max: 800px) {
      .top-menu {
        height: auto;

        .valo-menu-part {
          height: $v-unit-size !important;

        .valo-menu-title {
          position: relative !important;
          font-size: $v-font-size !important;
          height: $v-unit-size !important;
          padding-left: $v-layout-spacing-horizontal;
          padding-right: $v-layout-spacing-horizontal;

          > * {
            margin-right: $v-layout-spacing-horizontal;

        .v-menubar-user-menu {
          position: relative !important;
          font-size: $v-font-size--small !important;
          height: $v-unit-size !important;

          .v-menubar-menuitem {
            line-height: $v-unit-size - 1px !important;
            padding-left: 0px;

          img.v-icon {
            height: round($v-unit-size / 2) !important;
            width: round($v-unit-size / 2) !important;
            border-radius: ceil($v-unit-size / 4) !important;

          .v-icon {
            font-size: round($v-unit-size / 2);
            line-height: round($v-unit-size / 2);

          .v-menubar-menuitem-caption .valo-menu-badge {
            $badge-font-size--small: round($v-font-size--tiny * 0.8);
            font-size: $badge-font-size--small;
            width: round($badge-font-size--small * 1.5);
            height: round($badge-font-size--small * 1.5);
            line-height: round($badge-font-size--small * 1.5);

    @include width-range($max: 500px) {
      .top-menu {
        .v-menubar-user-menu {

            display: block !important;

          .v-menubar-menuitem-caption .valo-menu-badge {
            right: floor(($v-unit-size / 2.5) + ($v-unit-size / 5));


Hi guys,

We’re using Vaadin 7.3.2 here and I see that the Window component does not render a FontIcon as its caption icon.

On the server side we create a Window and set its icon:

Window window = new Window();

The VWindow client side widget has a setCaption method which assumes the icon is an image:

    public void setCaption(String c, String icon) {
        String html = Util.escapeHTML(c);
        if (icon != null) {
            icon = client.translateVaadinUri(icon);
            html = "<img src=\"" + Util.escapeAttribute(icon)
                    + "\" class=\"v-icon\" alt=\"\" />" + html;

        // Provide information to assistive device users that a sub window was
        // opened
        String prefix = "<span class='"
                + AriaHelper.ASSISTIVE_DEVICE_ONLY_STYLE + "'>"
                + assistivePrefix + "</span>";
        String postfix = "<span class='"
                + AriaHelper.ASSISTIVE_DEVICE_ONLY_STYLE + "'>"
                + assistivePostfix + "</span>";

        html = prefix + html + postfix;
        DOM.setInnerHTML(headerText, html);

Is this a known bug, or is it perhaps fixed in a newer version?

Thanks :slight_smile:

That bug (
) was fixed in version 7.3.4


Thanks. I’ve updated to 7.3.6. Still, I’ve noticed that when I apply


The ‘move’ cursor still appears on when hovering on the caption. It would be nice if this cursor would only appear if the window is draggable.

Yup, that’s still a bug which is not fixed I think. Would be great if you could take the time and
make a ticket
for it, please.

Done, see

Think I’ve found another one. When I create an Upload and use setImmediate(true), the element is still present in the right of the layout. It is visually indistinguishable from the background, but still clickable and triggers the upload/file chooser dialog.

Created ticket:

I’ve been testing valo demo project with vaadin 7.4.0.beta3 and menu responsiveness doesn’t work, until vaadin 7.3.9 it works very well, somebody could verify it?.

What exactly is the problem you are experiencing?
Please check also
- you might need to add


This should be in the release notes (I didn’t check), but probably easy to miss.

Thank you, that was the problem, I missed that ticket.

Hi Jouni,
i’m using Valo and I have table with progressBar as cutom component i want to change the color of indicator for each row , can you pride me please an example of the modified CSS ?
i tried this but it doesn’t work :frowning:

.v-progressbar-red {
@include valo-progressbar-indicator-style($background-color: #red);

.v-progressbar-amber {
@include valo-progressbar-indicator-style($background-color: #amber);
.v-progressbar-green {
@include valo-progressbar-indicator-style($background-color: #green);



Your code is almost correct. You’re just targeting the wrong element with the mixin. This should work:

.v-progressbar-red .v-progressbar-indicator {
     @include valo-progressbar-indicator-style($background-color: #red);
  .v-progressbar-amber .v-progressbar-indicator {
     @include valo-progressbar-indicator-style($background-color: #amber);
  .v-progressbar-green .v-progressbar-indicator {
     @include valo-progressbar-indicator-style($background-color: #green);

you are right i was targeting the wrong element ! thank you very much for your help


As for the Table :

TABLE_NO_STRIPES = "no-stripes";
TABLE_NO_VERTICAL_LINES = "no-vertical-lines";
TABLE_NO_HORIZONTAL_LINES = "no-horizontal-lines";
TABLE_NO_HEADER = "no-header";
TABLE_BORDERLESS = "borderless";
TABLE_COMPACT = "compact";
TABLE_SMALL = "small";

Is there any predefined ValoTheme styles for the Grid component ? is it planned for the futur valo version?

I’m using vaadin 7.4.6 and I have a problem with the vaadin calendar when I try to set it to full size. There is something wrong with the height of the cells (see attached images, the default theme works fine).

I tested it with a simple UI

protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
Calendar calendar = new Calendar();



VerticalLayout v = new VerticalLayout();

[/code]The custom style scss just contains

@import "../valo/valo.scss"; @mixin my-theme { @include valo; } Is this a bug or I’m doing something wrong with the css?

It looks like this is Valo’s calendar normal look. Please see the scss of the calendar component. Must be the line height I guess. You can then override it in your theme if you want.

Thank you for the suggestion, the following rule seems to work for me (but I don’t think is the correct way)

.v-calendar-bottom-spacer, .v-calendar-spacer, .v-calendar-bottom-spacer-empty, .v-calendar-event-month { margin-bottom: 0px; } Anyway, I think the calendar should be able to correctly resize himself just like every other component (ex. a Table).
It seems to works only if the height is UNDEFINED. If I set “setHeight(“100%”)” or “setHeight(“500px”)” the result is what you can see in the attached image: half of the last week row is outside the visible area and the numbers of the weeks (on the left) are not aligned with the rows.
Is this the intended behaviour?

Seems like a bug. Please file a ticket for this.

Hi everyone,

I’m using Calendar of 7.5.0 version.
I guess you have a bug there, if you want to set the height and/or width size, then it does correctly.

BUT, when I do anything - listener, open a pop-up, scroll in a combo, then the height size change.
And when it does, it’s not about the height, it’s addin a v-calendar-spacer :
I had 8 in the first place, after 2 scrolls, it came to 10…

Could anyone confirm that ?
Thanks in advance,