Vaadin 7.1 AbsoluteLayout Width

I have a problem with the main layout of my application which is an AbsoluteLayout.
The layout does not occupy 100% of the width anymore, also this was the case with version 7.0.5.
Now the layout occupies the minimum width.

I found the cause of this behaviour being the
html elements containing my custom components.
Before, the wrapper had a width (being the available width in pixels). Now the width attribute is gone and the wrapper’s HTML code looks like this:

<div class="v-absolutelayout-wrapper v-absolutelayout-wrapper-cissFooterdefault" style="left: 0px; bottom: 0px;">

The AbsoluteLayout itself and the components added have both 100% width. Here is the code:

public class CissDesktopApplicationLayout extends AbsoluteLayout {
    private void buildMainLayout() {

        header.setHeight(getHeaderHeight(), Unit.PIXELS);
        addComponent(header, "top:0.0px;left:0.0px;");

        horizontalSplitPanel = buildHorizontalSplitPanel();
        addComponent(horizontalSplitPanel, "top:" + getHeaderHeight() + "px;bottom:" + getFooterHeight()
                + "px;left:0.0px;");

        footer.setHeight(getFooterHeight(), Unit.PIXELS);
        addComponent(footer, "bottom:0.0px;left:0.0px;");

Did I miss something or has the behaviour of the Layout changed?

Please do not post duplicate threads/messages (original thread
). Marking this one for deletion.

How you solved it?

I need main content as AbsoluteLayout to add PopupView.

Is there any other way to solve this?

I stumbled into this dead thread also, as I have the same issue. As mentioned previously, the thread referenced by Henri is not accessible. However, I did discover that this ticket had been created related to this: