Vaadin 24.6.0 Unable to fully determine correct flow-build-info

Hello! After migration to Vaadin 24.6.0 there is in the log of production build:

2024-12-27T11:40:31.861Z  WARN 1 --- [Terminal Portal] [           main] s.DefaultApplicationConfigurationFactory : Unable to fully determine correct flow-build-info.Accepting file 'file:/app/my.jar!/META-INF/VAADIN/config/flow-build-info.json' first match of '2' possible.Please verify flow-build-info file content.

What should I do?

What is my.jar? Your main artifact or a different module?
Could be an add-on that mistakenly contains a flow-build-info.json file

my.jar is my spring boot 3.4 application jar. Here is the flow-build-info.json from my development host:

  "productionMode": false,
  "eagerServerLoad": false,
  "npmFolder": "D:\\my\\my-vaadin24-portal",
  "node.version": "v22.12.0",
  "": "",
  "frontendFolder": "D:\\my\\my-vaadin24-portal\\src\\main\\frontend",
  "connect.javaSourceFolder": "D:\\my\\my-vaadin24-portal\\src\\main\\java",
  "javaResourceFolder": "D:\\my\\my-vaadin24-portal\\src\\main\\resources",
  "connect.applicationProperties": "D:\\my\\my-vaadin24-portal\\src\\main\\resources\\",
  "connect.openApiFile": "D:\\my\\my-vaadin24-portal\\target\\generated-resources\\openapi.json",
  "project.frontend.generated": "D:\\my\\my-vaadin24-portal\\src\\main\\frontend\\generated",
  "pnpm.enable": false,
  "bun.enable": false,
  "require.home.node": false,
  "build.folder": "target",
  "react.enable": true

More than one /META-INF/VAADIN/config/flow-build-info.json resource in present in the classpath. However, the correct one seems to be picked (the one from your application), so it should work correctly.

Unfortunately, the log does not list the location of the other resources, so it does not help debugging. You can put a breakpoint in DefaultApplicationConfigurationFactory.getPossibleJarResource() where the message is logged, and inspect the resources variable to determine all found occurrences.

BTW, it looks like the JAR you are running is not built for production, given the content of the flow-build-info.json file you posted.

There is in dependencies the third party component AceEditor - Vaadin Add-on Directory It is build as jar.

The add-on you linked looks incompatible with Vaadin 24, and it does not seem to contain the flow-build-info.json

I have cloned the ace editor repository and patch pom.xml to build with Vaadin 24. It works as expected.

Got it. In add-ons, you need to exclude that file when building the JAR file.

Take a look at this configuration

@marcoc_753 Marco, thank you so much for your hint! The warning has disappeared.