Vaadin 24.4.x not generating Endpoints

Hello everyone,

recently I have tried to migrate my vaadin 23.3.x application to version 24.4.x. While migrating I followed the migration guide profusely and completed every single step (aside from adding the vaadin BOM, because I don’t want to lock spring boot starter into a specific version). After multiple tries of clean install (production and no production profile) I keep running into the same error:

error during build:
[ERROR] Could not resolve "../../generated/XXXEndpoint" from "src/main/frontend/src/lit/XXX-component.ts"
[ERROR] file: C:/Users/XXX/IdeaProjects/XXX/XXX-frontend/src/main/frontend/src/lit/XXX-component.ts
[ERROR]     at getRollupError (file:///C:/Users/XXX/IdeaProjects/XXXXXX-frontend/node_modules/rollup/dist/es/shared/parseAst.js:396:41)

When i check the folder generated in my frontend directory it only generates vaadin specific files but no generated Endpoints:

Every Single Endpoint has the correct @Endpoint annotation imported from com.vaadin.hilla:

@PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('" + Berechtigung.ENDPOINTS_XXX + "')")
public class XXXEndpoint implements XXXEndpoint {

pom.xml (some blocks were omitted due to largeness):



            <!-- Production mode is activated using -Pproduction -->

                <!-- Exclude development dependencies from production -->

                            <!-- To always force an optimized production bundle build set this configuration to 'true' -->
                            <!-- To have reproducible build by running 'npm ci' -->

Does someone have any idea why Endpoints are not being generated? If any information is missing just tell me and I will add more code or other needed information.

cheers, james

Disclaimer: no hilla expert

From my understanding: Endpoint is deprecated and should not be used like since 2.2? It’s called BrowserCallable - this might already be the problem

But there is also the possibility of version mismatches. I would highly highly encourage to use the Vaadin BOM. The latest version should not manage spring dependencies - this was by accident and is removed. If you are still worried, ensure you have spring boot dependency management before the Vaadin BOM so that Maven’s dependency resolution prioritizes spring.

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Thank you very much for you suggestion. I have implemented the new Annotation @BrowserCallable as well as the Vaadin BOM. Unfortunately the same problem persists :confused:

Could you try compiling the project and then running mvn vaadin:generate to see if that can force the generation or not?

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