Using Plotly from node-modules in Vaadin Flow


I am trying to import plotly.js using a div component in a Vaadin test application (14.0.2).

I am able to import it using the plotly cdn link as follows and execute it.
@JavaScript(value = "", loadMode = LoadMode.EAGER)

protected void onAttach(AttachEvent attachEvent) {
				.executeJavaScript("var trace1 = {x: [1, 2, 3, 4]
, y: [10, 15, 13, 17]
, type: 'scatter'};"
						+ "var data = [trace1]
;" + "Plotly.newPlot('test', data, {}, {showSendToCloud: true});");

However I would like to import it as node module and execute it in Vaadin.

Is this possible?

I tried installing npm install plotly.js-dist node module and updated the webpack.config.js as follows (suggested by web-pack).

module.exports = merge(flowDefaults, {
	module: {
	    rules: [
	      process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? { test: /\.js$/, use: 'babel-loader' } : {},
	        test: /\.js$/,
	        use: 'ify-loader'

I am able to start the application with out any errors.

However no success with recognizing the js module in UI.

Please let me know if the information provided is enough.

