Unable to create a Vaadin project without connecting to internet

Well, also the Vaadin 6 project wizard tries to fetch the latest Vaadin JAR from the download site.

You don’t need the project wizard to create a Vaadin project, although it does require various manual steps. You can:


Create a “Dynamic Web Project” in Eclipse.
Add the libraries to the class path (such as in WebContent/WEB-INF/lib) - certain libraries should not be deployed, such as the client compiler, but put to a different place in the class path. See
for Vaadin 7. For Vaadin 6, you need the appropriate GWT libraries.
Create the Vaadin UI class (or Application in Vaadin 6) as
described in the book
or any example code
Define the web.xml deployment descriptor or the servlet class annotated with @WebServlet as
described in the book
If you want to use the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse to compile the widget set, etc, you can add the facet to your project in the project properties.

[/list]I hope I didn’t miss anything important.