Unable to Create A Vaadin Project In Netbeans

Hi all,

I am unable to create a vaadin project on my netbeans. I have tried creating project via create project → maven → project from archetype. I am unable to search for vaadin-archetype-application as the computer in which is installed on has no internet connection to update and download any archetype.

tried creating project via create project → vaadin → vaadin web application project and the following error appear while creating the project.

No Plugin found for prefix ‘archetype’ in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo]
available from the repositories [local (C:\users\Administrator.m2\repository), central (http://repo .maven.apache.org/maven2)]
→ [Help 1]

Following are my software and its version:
-Netbeans 8.0.2
-1419251716_org-vaadin-netbeans-maven-1.1.3.nbm for plugin

Kah Wee.

I program Vaadin all the time in Netbeans. Don’t use the ‘plugin’.
You can create a web-app - just standard Tomcat project.

Then add Vaadin Jars to your library.

You’ll need

You may also need slf4j-api-1.6.4.jar and slf4j-simple-1.6.4.jar

Works great.

Me sucede lo mismo…alguna solución…