[Tutorial - section 6] can't import com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout using IntelliJ


I’m Going throuh the Vaadin flow tutorial. In section 6. “Creating a form using plain Java” , when creating the CustomerForm class, I am requested to extend com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout, but IntelliJ does not recognize it and can not auto import it.

I’m not sure if this is an IntelliJ IDEA issue or a Vaadin dependencies issue (or any other issue). I already had similar issue with the helper annotation, but I found the source code on github and manually added it to the project.

I’m new to vaadin, and new to IntelliJ IDEA. Used to work with Eclipse before.

Please advise,

The document is a bit outdated, FormLayout is nowadays in com.vaadin.flow.component.formlayout package.

Thanks for the reply,
So what is the recommended documentation for new users?

Is it even recommended to start using Vaadin Flow for new projects?


Don’t know which tutorial you checked, this documentation should be fine https://vaadin.com/docs/v10/flow/Overview.html

It depends on your project I think to choose Vaadin 10 or Vaadin 8.
Vaadin 8 is very stable, Vaadin 10 is new and exiting, meanwhile can be a bit more challenging especially when you think about that it’s in beta state.

Indeed that was the documentation I checked. The tutorial I was referring to can be found under “Introduction and getting started” as shown in the attached image.



Thanks for pointing it out, I made a pull request for a fix.
