Trying out React components in Flow in Vaadin 24.4 beta1

We recently released Vaadin 24.4.0.beta1. One of the new features that we’re introducing is a wrapper that helps you use React components from Flow. Here’s how you can try that out right now. Start by downloading, extracting it, importing it to an IDE, and running the main method in

You can wrap any React component as a Flow component by wrapping it as a web component using a provided helper class. This helper will give access to state variables set from the server and provides a way of passing events back to the server.


import { ReactElement, JSXElementConstructor } from "react";
import { ReactAdapterElement, RenderHooks } from "./generated/flow/ReactAdapter";
import { Button } from "@vaadin/react-components";

class ReactExample extends ReactAdapterElement {
    protected render(hooks: RenderHooks): ReactElement {
        const [value, setValue] = hooks.useState("value", "initial");
        const sendEvent = hooks.useCustomEvent<string>("example-event");
        return <Button onClick={() => sendEvent("Bar")}>{value}</Button>

customElements.define("react-example", ReactExample);


package com.example.application;

import com.vaadin.flow.component.Tag;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.dependency.JsModule;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.react.ReactAdapterComponent;
import com.vaadin.flow.router.Menu;
import com.vaadin.flow.router.Route;

public class FlowView extends ReactAdapterComponent {
    public FlowView() {
        getElement().addEventListener("example-event", event -> {
            String value = event.getEventData().getString("event.detail");
            setState("value", "Update: " + value);

Is there already a way to make the Component “bindable” ?

For example how would I implement the HasValue<E,V> interface for a value (string) state ?

CustomField is a good candidate for that; in addition to the data binding, it gives you Label, Helper text, and other common features: Custom Field | Components | Vaadin Docs

You can also use the AbstractCompositeField class even though would then have to define two separate classes for the component (an internal one using ReactAdapterComponent and then the “actual” component as a AbstractCompositeField). There’s also an open issue about providing a mechanism for integrating with a React component in a way that lets you use an arbitrary super class.

Very helpful Thanks!