Trend Micro

We developed an application with Vaadin (version 7.6.8). Application is used in the intranet.
Everyting was running without any problem for a year. However, after a Trend Micro update in January, page load is very slow. Sometimes we can’t login. If we uninstall Trend Micro, there is no problem.

By the way, there are also spring and Wicket applications and they can work with Trend Micro.

How can we overcome Vaadin’s Trend Micro problem? Is there any configuration for this?

izlem gözükeleş:
We developed an application with Vaadin (version 7.6.8). Application is used in the intranet.
Everyting was running without any problem for a year. However, after a Trend Micro update in January, page load is very slow. Sometimes we can’t login. If we uninstall Trend Micro, there is no problem.

How can we overcome Vaadin’s Trend Micro problem? Is there any configuration for this?

It’s hard to say without additional information, but my guess is that Trend Micro is trying to scan GWT compiled widgetset for viruses. One possible solution would be to whitelist the server hosting your Vaadin app in Trend Micro.