transmission parameters

Hello I have problem with message parameter to the class in which the mixing can someone help me resolve this problem

@mixin background1($param)
background: url(…/#{$param});

@import “…/main/main.scss”;

@include background1(“myapplication2/img/pink.jpg”);

Try defining the mixin outside the selector.
@mixin background1($param)

.selektor { }

I defining the mixin outside the selector but i cant message param to the class .selektor. Scss have global variables??

@mixin background1($param)

.selektor {
@include background1(url(…/myapplication2/img/pink.jpg));

I think this is what you are looking for.

@mixin background1($param)
background: url(…/#{$param}/img/pink.jpg);
If i have one class in mixin it works (example above) but I have many class and dont works (example below). Your solution isnt for me because in the class i will use many diffrent urls

@mixin background1($param)
background: url(…/#{$param}/img/pink.jpg);
